The Old Farmer’s Almanac is predicting another frigid winter here in Middle Tennessee, and with its track record, we should probably all hunker down for a long, cold few months.
Thankfully, it won’t be hard to stay warm this winter. And it shouldn’t break the bank, either. Here are some tips for keeping warm without jacking up the thermostat:
1. Layer up
Don’t be afraid to pile on the layers when you’re at home. It’s tempting to throw on one big sweatshirt and call it a day, but using several thinner layers is actually a better way to go.
Focus particularly on your feet, as heat rises and if your feet feel cold, there’s no getting warm. Big thick socks and/or house shoes are the way to go.
2. Use that oven!
Winter is the perfect time to crank up the oven and practices your cooking skills. Early nights mean there are often fewer social activities, and the family can hunker down at home. Who wants to drive around in the cold and rain looking for dinner anyway?
Find recipes for slow cooking roasts and casseroles. The oven will heat part of your home while also providing food (and delicious smells!) for the family. Win-win-win.
3. Put the sun to work
We all know to throw open the windows during the spring and fall, but using your windows well can also help you stay warm in the winter.
If you spend your days out of the house, only worry about your south-facing windows. These provide the most sun for your time. Open the blinds in the morning before you leave to allow warmth in. Close them at night to keep the house insulated.
If you’re home during the day, you can also utilize any east-facing windows in the mornings and west-facing ones in the afternoons. Like natural light, natural heat is cheaper than the stuff you pay for.
4. Stay social
Yeah, getting out to see people doesn’t sound very exciting when it’s cold and yucky out. But, studies show that keeping a somewhat active social life in winter keeps you feeling warmer and happier.
If you really can’t imagine leaving the house, invite friends over instead.
5. Don’t forget your health
All the basic health rules still apply: eat good foods, drink plenty of water, and keep exercising. Maintaining a decent health regimen will stave of not only cold but sickness and fatigue as well.