Monthly Archives: January 2015

Infrared Testing

Schaffhouser–The One Scan that Can Save You a Ton of Money

Schaffhouser Infrared Testing

Business owners, plant supervisors, and building managers all have plenty to worry about. Payroll, scheduling, repairs, upgrades, the list goes on.

Often in the hassle of everyday business, potential electrical problems are overlooked. Most of these problems develop slowly over time, hidden in the walls of the building. Out of sight, out of mind, and there seem to be a million other things to demand attention.

Unfortunately, these unseen issues can cause hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage when they emerge. Equipment damage, interruption of business, even fire — all of these things can be the result of un-diagnosed electrical issues. And many of these issues go undetected in routine inspections, making the whole problem even scarier.

Thankfully there is a solution!!

Infrared and thermal testing has a lot of uses. The technology detects heat through walls and floors, and since the first sign of an electrical malfunction is a rise in temperature, it’s a good way to catch problems early. Using a small device similar to a camcorder, the inspector scans a building and is able to “see” problems before they become catastrophic.

An infrared scan can prevent massive system failures and shutdowns, saving a business lots of money in lost revenue or repairs. But what systems should be tested?

At Schaffhouser, we have the capability to test any and every system that could experience problems. These include:

  • Substations, transformers, and feeder poles
  • Distribution panels and disconnects
  • Electrical power supplies
  • Main electrical incoming services, transformers, and capacitor banks
  • Switchboards and disconnects
  • Motor Control Centers
  • Service electrical disconnects for motors
  • Generator controls and transfer switches
  • Main I-Line electrical panels
  • Lighting and receptacle electrical panels

When you call Schaffhouser Electric, we’ll schedule your inspection and provide you a report of all your systems. Using this report, you can plan and prepare for any upcoming maintenance that needs to be done and avoid any of the catastrophes that could arise. And we’ll do the inspection without any interruption to your daily business.

It’s recommended that property owners have an infrared inspection done annually. This time of year is perfect, helping you plan expenditures and maintenance for the rest of 2015. Keep in mind, though, industrial plants and other companies that use a lot of electricity might benefit from quarterly scans because electrical systems can change with the seasons. You could develop a problem in the fall that isn’t there during your first quarter scan.

Infrared testing is a quick, painless way to protect you, your business, and your employees from catastrophic electrical problems. Give us a call today and we’ll get you started.

Fire Alarm System Services

Why It’s Important to Have Your Fire Alarm Tested

Fire Alarm System

Thanks to elementary school, we all know what to do when a fire alarm goes off. Walk calmly to the nearest exit and leave the building.

Easy enough, but what if your fire alarm doesn’t work anymore? Every commercial building is equipped with some kind of fire or smoke detection system, but when was the last time you had the one in your office tested to make sure it works properly?

Because today’s offices are overloaded with electronics, the chance of a fire emergency are greater than ever. We’re used to having our technology work, and the worst time to discover it doesn’t is when it’s critical.

There are a lot of things that can wear down an alarm system. Everyday dust and dirt could get in and damage the wiring. That dust and dirt is even worse if you’ve recently renovated or made major changes to the office. Good old fashioned aging can also cause your system to break down without you even noticing it.

With a little forethought, though, you can stay on top of maintenance for your fire alarm. There are a few steps you can take to ensure you and your coworkers are safe:

  1. Test and calibrate alarm sensors. This will take some research as you’ll need to learn about those sensors, their testing requirements, failure modes, and re-installation needs.
  2. If you have specific knowledge of the system, you can run simulation tests for the annunciators.
  3. Set the sensitivity. Again, this requires specific knowledge of the system and fire detection theory.
  4. Coordinate with the fire department to test their input.
  5. Check the battery for corrosion and replace if needed.

Sounds like a lot of work, right? It is!!

Fire alarm testing can, in theory, be done by the owner, but it’s more often something that should be left to professionals. This is a great time of year to check up on all your detection systems, and we’ll be happy to help.

Give us a call and schedule your fire alarm inspection today.