Most of us have felt a mild electrical shock at some point in our lives. Whether from faulty wiring of a lamp or the childlike inexperience that leads us to pry stuck toast loose with a knife, we have been shocked. Those extremely mild jolts of electricity are enough to underscore the importance of safety precautions being taken by electricians.
Working with electricity every day, professional electricians need to be extremely conscious of potential dangers and take appropriate precautions. The condition of the workplace and an electrician’s tools are of paramount concern, along with proper footwear and rubber grips on tools. Proper safety precautions can be the difference between life and death for electricians, so their value can hardly be overstated.
Keeping Tools in Good Condition Safeguards Electricians
First of all, an electrician needs to keep their tools in excellent condition, in order to avoid accidents that can happen if they malfunction. As subject to wear and tear as any equipment, electrical cords can fray, wires can pull loose, and cutting edges can dull. Careful inspection and maintenance of tools and equipment goes a long way to protecting electricians.
Secondly, because of the importance of their condition, an electrician’s tools should be kept locked up. Whether because one is fascinating or because it comes in handy for something the homeowner or a co-worker is doing, tools left out get used. The only way an electrician can be confident of the condition of his tools is to lock them up when they’re not using them.
A Clean Workplace Is a Safer Workplace
Finally, it is important for the work area to be orderly and clear of things that can constitute hazards. A walk-around to look for cabling, tools, and wires left on the floor is a good safety precaution both before and after a job. Not only do homeowners appreciate the cleanup because it improves the appearance of the house, but their safety is also protected.