Cutting Down on Energy Waste – Efficient Use of Resources
Did you know that energy mismanagement is the reason why many businesses pay more than they need to pay for energy? The amount of energy expended by companies often gets overlooked and is often viewed as an expense that doesn’t have any room for fluctuation. Schaffhouser Electric Company has undergone extensive training about energy mismanagement to become experts in this field. We received training from the globally recognized energy management specialists, Schneider Electric. Our training has deepened our knowledge and ability to recognize ways for our clients to cut down on their costs and to maximize their efficiency.
Although every business will face energy waste to a certain degree, the amount can be limited. Some of the ways we can help you include:
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Installation – With ever-changing gas prices and the concern for emissions and pollution, many people are going green by switching to an electric vehicle. If you’re thinking of making the leap, let us know! We can install a charging station properly and professionally.
Efficient Lighting Plans & Controls – Many times, lights are left on unnecessarily in places of business. Even if you need to develop a system based on shifts or time blocks, we have the expertise and know-how to establish a system that minimizes energy waste without cutting down on productivity.
Troubleshooting – Sometimes energy-saving products and systems can contribute to a reduction in power quality. But going green doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort and ease. If you’ve been having problems with your eco-friendly technologies, give us a call! We are troubleshooting experts and can help you get the most out of your energy-saving systems.
Critical Power – If power is absolutely critical to your business, you likely don’t want to rely solely on the power grid. If your business falls into this category, the experts at Schaffhouser Electric can help you develop a power source that you can count on at all times.
HVAC Controls – To increase the comfort level of a home or business with minimal waste, we offer HVAC control solutions. This can be a great way to conveniently cut down on operating costs, without sacrificing the enjoyment of your space.
Energy & Power Management Systems – We offer energy-assessments of your business, and can help you pinpoint areas of waste and areas in which improvements can be made. This can be especially beneficial to business owners, and can significantly decrease energy waste and overall operational costs.
Contact us today to see how we can help cut down on your energy waste!