Schaffhouser Electric is pleased to announce that we have become a UL certified builder of industrial control panels. By seeing a UL mark on a panel, regulators, specifiers, and end-product certifiers will be confident that the panel meets all certification requirements. Additionally, in North America, UL Safety Marks are the most credible and pursued marks.
There are many benefits in choosing UL for your industrial control panel needs. Your competitive advantage will rise by providing your customers with UL certified general use, industrial machinery, elevator control, service equipment, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, fountain control, irrigation equipment, crane and flame control, and marine use panels. Also, your competitive advantage will rise by having the ability to bid on jobs that specify UL certified ICPs. When you choose UL for you industrial control panel needs, you will have greater efficiency because red-tagged panels at the job site will be eliminated, including the subsequent delays and extra cost. Another benefit in choosing UL is that regulatory authorities in every jurisdiction in the United States and Canada accept the UL Mark because it covers all requirements. All of these requirements include the following: proper component usage, enclosure environmental ratings, wiring and motor protection, safety markings, and conformance to the National Electrical Code (NEC) and Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).
To become UL certified, a company must acquire credits through UL Knowledge Solutions. They offer online course, private workshops, and public workshops all of which have been approved by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).