Tag Archives: Habitat for Humanity

Home Building Hope Project

Building a Home – Building Hope

Schaffhouser Electric is proud to have been able to contribute to one family’s dream come true.

There are many reasons that people may be in desperate need of safe and affordable housing. Sometimes it is a tornado, sometimes a flood. Whatever the reason, Habitat for Humanity is there; partnering with future homeowners and the larger community. Here at Schaffhouser Electric, we are honored to have been able to donate our time and labor to a Habitat project. We have a vendor partner in Border States that has provided all of the materials that were installed in this project.

Volunteering with Habitat not only feels good for the volunteer, but for the future homeowner.

Volunteering with Habitat not only feels good for the volunteer, but for the future homeowner, who is also pitching in…it is life-changing.

Our technicians provided the electrical and low voltage wiring installation for this home. The family purchasing the home, along with Habitat volunteers and others from the community can now move to the next phase of construction. It isn’t often you get to directly make a difference in the life of an entire family. We are glad to do so and are grateful to our customers who make it possible to do what we love and give back to our community.

In the US alone, 48.5 million people are living in poverty.

In the US alone, 48.5 million people are living in poverty – making safe and affordable housing critical.

Habitat for Humanity helped a record 94, 618 people in 2012.

Habitat for Humanity helped a record 94, 618 people in 2012.